Pay it Forward SA's proven approach allows over 90% of our residents to flourish in long-term recovery
Since 2010 Pay it Forward SA has provided nearly 5000 people with housing or housing assistance
Pay it Forward SA teaches our residents to succeed together while holding each other accountable
Pay it Forward SA partners with over 100 recovery houses and dozens of other local nonprofits


Ashley started drinking a little bit in high school. And then she started drinking a lot.
“It just kinda got worse over time. It always gets worse. Never better.”
Before her path was drastically altered because of alcohol, Ashley had a bright outlook. She was getting ready to start a new career in healthcare, something she had always dreamed of doing. Ironically, it was her going away party where the excessive drinking finally caught up with her. She was arrested on an elevated assault charge. What should have been a celebration of her new, exciting life, instead marked the beginning of a much darker time as she watched all her hard work and dreams come crashing down around her.
Luckily, it was her first arrest, so her lawyer got her into a mental health court. Initially it was supposed to be a one-year program.
“But I kept messing up. And the judge kept giving me chances. I thought she was going to kick me out of the program.” Instead, the judge gave her just one more opportunity to show that she wanted to change.
The judge offered her the chance to be part of the HOPE program at Pay It Forward, a unique 90-day intensive treatment program that offers women a therapeutic alternative to long-term incarceration. Ashley jumped at the chance. She went through detox and then directly into the HOPE program, where she was given the space and time to heal and grow. She excelled.
Following graduation from the HOPE program Ashley had to decide what came next. She considered a number of options, ultimately deciding to move into our Women’s Dorm.
“I chose this program because I felt like I needed more structure than what other sober living places offer. There’s more rules here. I did Oxford before and there’s just a little more leniency and I felt like I needed someone to be pushing me to do the things I was supposed to be doing.”
The structure must have worked, because Ashley began to excel. Today she is the Dorm Captain.
“That has brought out a leadership role in me that I didn’t even know I had.”
She credits watching others find success through the program and uses their example as motivation.
“I know the campus, I know the people, I know people have done good in Pay It Forward, so I just need to follow what they have done and has worked for them and not try to do it my way, because that obviously hasn’t worked.”
Today, things are really looking up. Her case at mental health court was dismissed. She just found out that she got a job with Baptist Hospital doing patient care. And she has a plan to stay healthy.
“I need to maintain my routine. Go to my home group, go to meetings, be of service.”
She also has more tools to help her along the way.
“The qualities I’ve grown like leadership, being able to communicate with people properly and setting boundaries are huge.”
She is so excited for the second chance she has earned to return to a career she loves. And the bonus she got for signing on was the cherry on top. She plans to use it to further her education.
“I’ll be able to pay off the money I still owe and hopefully go back next year.”
We could not be prouder of you Ashley. You are a shining example of the power of recovery.
Ashley has been sober since July 15, 2023.


Every single day we see people do amazing things, and we want to share these stories with YOU through our brand new Pay It Forward SA newsletter. "What's in it for me?" you might ask yourself. How about uplifting stories of triumph, success and pure joy? Or maybe stories of caring and teamwork and dedication that are all too few these days? How about pictures of super cute puppies? (Ok, maybe not so many of those.) How about random give aways of some of our most sought-after and coveted PIF swag?
We promise not to send too much stuff, or sell your email to anyone. At all. Ever. We hope you'll join us!
P.I.F. is not just sober living but a family. During my stay here I learned that recovery is not free, but freedom from addiction and the value it has is a second chance at life. When you realize the value of this you will see it is priceless. I owe much gratitude to this program.